The Realm of Camellia Awaits...

Pre-Order the Realm of Camellia Special Edition Hardcover (as seen on Kickstarter) now; shipping January 2nd.

This sale is the stuff of legends...

Use code LEGENDARY25 for 25% off your order. (Excluding digital items, and the Realm of Camellia Special Edition.)

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The Witch at the Edge of the Wood

Coming to Kickstarter in February, my next cozy fantasy novella is about a witch, whimsy, and finding your own way in life.

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Epic and cozy fantasy to light your way

I'm Liz Delton, and I write epic and cozy fantasy you'll love to escape into, with intricate worlds and characters you'll love.

With over 20 books published (and a few more coming this year!) I've got plenty for you to check out.

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